‘An artist is a person with talent and the skills to conceptualize and make creative works, often sought out for their skills and original ideas.’
The desire to relate authentically with other humans is why I continue to engage in reflexive praxis as a professional artist. My repertoire is diverse, subject matter contentious, as I challenge taboos, breaking things in collaboration with colleagues, employing interdisciplinary skillsets, a range of mediums and formats. I am my harshest critic.
Rollin In Tez
A short post regarding the movements to a 50 percent cut on turned items as NFT in the crypto marketplace.
Tezos Community
A rundown of the knowledge I’m gaining as a member of the crypto Tezos community in art communities such as OBJKT, Teia and Versum.
The Moment Of Truth
‘The ‘Moment of Truth’ is a creative project comprised of the production of a social fiction novel, a digital animation film, and an exhibition of illustrations by Australian artist and author, Alexander Hayes. Based on a factual in-real-life story, Alexander Hayes is paving the way for how victims of crime can reach emancipation through the human act of storying and the power of artificial intelligence.
Fallen Angel
Everyone has the right to believe in what they want. No one has the right to tell others what to believe … especially especially those who business is to endorse and protect pedophiles whilst claiming they are on their knees to save us from eternal hell and damnation.
Sydney Criminal Lawyers
Today I received a link to an article written and published in the Sydney Criminal Lawyers group website. The article was derived from an interview that was conducted by phone a week earlier with Paul Gregoire who recorded and edited our discussion into an article.
St John The Baptist
Tucked away on the corner opposite vipers of similar making is St. John, The Baptist Anglican Church in Sutherland NSW Australia. They are registered as a general charity and religious institution setting.
Downing Centre Media Release
It is a sad indictment for the Australian nation when the very same crimes which the Offender, Adrian Sandwell has been convicted of in an Australian Court of Law, continue to be harboured, aided and abetted.
Travesty of Justice
Shortly after my face was plastered all over the Leader newspaper in the Sydney region of Australia, (see Leader article) a man named David Reid who was 48 years old at the time stabbed (murdered) both of his parents and then tried to suicide himself.
Victim Impact Statement
This Victim Impact Statement has been prepared and written in full by myself, Alexander Hayes. In identifying as the Victim and as the Complainant in a historical sexual assault case, I hereby describe the physical effects and emotional harm that these matters had at the time of the offences and continue to have upon me to the present day.
Living Implants
In June 2018 I was implanted with a ConfirmRx insertable cardiac monitor (ICM) with SharpSense™ technology through Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth, Western Australia.
Cheating Death: Inflammation, Pain & Living With Ankylosing Spondylitis
For as long as I recall I've pushed my body, this biological container that I was born with to its known limits. For the sports enthusiast that might seem like a given yet for me its been the only way I can cope with a chronic and acute hereditary condition which causes extreme athritic pain in my body, constantly.
Interstate travels across Australia have provided me with ample time to reflect deeper on life. I have often quite found myself quite emotional as these trips are often filled with facing fears of change,
Love, Fear & PTSD
Last night after a flurry of messages backwards and forwards on the mobile phone it became apparent to me that my own responses to my partners plea for rational discussion had ceased.
Libre Detre
This is not junk mail and I have not directed you here as part of a marketing campaign. Most importantly this is MY point of view composed and listening to my partner.
Dating Apps
I have been testing dating apps to connect with like minded people since 2004 when I first heard about a social network dating online application called OKCupid.