Father Daughter
Father Daughter
Perth, Western Australia
Painting & Printmaking
Artist Statement
The depravities of what I encountered through seven (7) years of interaction with the Department of Family & Children Services, the Child Support Agency and any number of different legal fraternities in between is a book in itself. Through much of that attack on my character and the assassination of my precious lifetime, I dreamt up and created safe places and spaces where my children could live. As a means to manage the frustration and symbolically defuse my anger, I hand carved these four (4) large panels which will always remain part of my home studio. These works formed one part of my Painting Minor 292 School of Art, Curtin University 2nd year presentation, to the horror of the audience as I stood on them delivering an oratory about the failure of society to address one reason why men suicide when a family unit disintegrates. These base state panels were completed in 1999, (and presented as part of the unit outcomes) with further work added and the works completed in 2015.
MDF timber, printmakers ink & paint
750mm(w) x 1250mm(h)
Hayes Family collection