Sheep Piece
Screenshot: ‘Sheep Piece’, 1995
Sheep Piece
Bunbury, Western Australia
Performance | Filmmaking | Videography
Artist Statement
With an open licence as to how we could present our findings of research into key artists of postmodernity, artist Tom Puglisi and I chose to extend upon our investigation and produce an arts ‘performance’ which we filmed using a thoroughly low-resolution VHS camcorder in the Edith Cowan University, Bunbury Campus main lecture theatre.
“… Your video presentation and personal anecdotes captured the ‘reconstructionism’ of the times. An interesting work of art in itself. All enjoyed and gained from your creativity.” Geoff Lummis, Visual Art Theory Lecturer.
Although the presentation at the time was well-received, I was perplexed as to why my academic record for the unit Visual Art Theory 2 in 1995 was a C+ 68% pass. Puglisi and I went on to collaborate in a number of other creative digital media works, raku firing of ceramics and mayhem setting fire to a field of grass next to his house accidentally, which required the local volunteer fire brigade to extinguish.
Digital Media
Film - .MOV | .MP4 format.
A completed project as part of VIS 1203 Visual Art Theory 2 in the 341 Associate Degree of Arts (Visual & Performing Arts) at Edith Cowan University, Bunbury Campus.