The Art of Google Glass

Screenshot: Google Glass website

Screenshot: Google Glass website

Author / Interviewer

Paul Isbel


In April 2013 I was approached by Paul Isbel, Report Writer at ArtsHub Western Australia who indicated he was keen to interview me regarding my involvement/association with the fledgling ‘Google Glass’ enterprise project which was taking off after the ‘Google Glass Explorers’ phenomenon. At the time I had conducted forty-eight (48) interviews as a Professional Associate through the University of Canberra, Australia, and Ph.D. candidate through the University of Wollongong. Paul provided me with the following questions to respond to at that time;

  1. On your website, you describe yourself in order as an artist first, an educator second, researcher third, and technologist last. You are a recognized technological expert. Why did you choose that order of descriptors?

  2. In one of your presentations, you mentioned the implications of mobile-enabled social media for higher education. What are some of the key implications as you see them?

  3. Elsewhere you (I think) write: Educators will need to shift to a networked learning theory for the digital age. How will that work with art education, some more than others, ie, visual art, dance, drama, media arts, performance, music, etc?

  4. You wrote: On the local level we are faced with takeovers that could profoundly impact the way our children immerse themselves in educational technology in the higher education sector in Australia. What takeovers do you have in mind?

  5. On a personal level, I imagine your children are highly connected and I also imagine they attend schools with traditional classrooms. Do you or they get frustrated by the gap between what happens in classrooms and their capabilities outside of them?


education, technology, mobile, curriculum, policy, politics, arts, creative, Australia


Arts Hub Australia

Publication Date

30 May, 2013







Suggested Citation

Isbel, P. (2013, May 30). The Art of Google Glass. ArtsHub. Available at


Arts Hub [ HTML ]

Google Glass Enterprise [ HTML ]

Google Glass Explorer interviews [ HTML ]


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