Social Cooling
There is also a very compelling website which summarises the concept of social cooling as well that hits home as to where my research fits in the grander scheme of schema and the real realm of digital reputation - Social Cooling.
Surveillance Capitalism
I've struck upon another key term today that I think describes what is happening in society at the moment. The PhD research provides the reader with an ethnographic account and evidence of how networked technologies connected via the Internet which was purported to bring great freedoms for humanity, yet may in fact be the vehicle facilitating the very opposite, the death of privacy.
Connecting With Place
Connecting with place means living with one eye on the present moment and the other hovering around looking back and trying to avoid making new mistakes. It means that the world can be our ‘place’, that our birthplace never changes nor does the tie to moral culture restrict us to enacting, living out the expectation of others to conform to their own control structure.
Dreaming Our Reality
I have just watched Aboriginal Nyikina Elder, Paddy Roe speaking with Frans Hoogland in the short film which was directed by David Maybury Lewis in 1992 called ‘Millennium: Tribal Wisdom and the Modern World’.
Micklo Corpus Camp Yulleroo
Over the last few days there has been a flurry of activity over at the camp that Micklo Corpus, senior Law man and Yawuru Traditional Custodian has manned for over two years on Yawuru country.
Living Well
These were a series of correspondence’s I had with the Living Well Foundation, specifically interactions with Dr. Gary Foster who eventually agreed to publish my '“realstory” as part of the Anglicare funded organisation he headed up.
The researcher was invited to attend the INTERSTICIA ‘Brave Conversations’ event at the Australian National University on the 10th and 11th April 2017. Given the way the researcher was treated appallingly by the ANU who believe they are a law unto themselves and who harbour some nasty self-serving vipers who claim cultural connection with country (utter hypocrisy) I chose to contribute to this important summative event with a written response as follows.
Notes on sexual abuse
Sitting here reflecting on a fortnight of blessed hell if there is such a thing. Given I am not even an atheist (existentialist, pansexual iconoclast yes) then no, there is no god, no conveniently off-earth heaven, nor hell. Jesus Christ was a human, not a phenomenon befitting a total tax-free scourge of community.
Courage To Accept Sexual Abuse
I've recently taken my personal story to the Royal Commission on the Sexual Abuse of Children here in Australia which has heard tens of thousands of cases of despicable acts perpetrated within multi-denominational Churches and supposed centers of religious excellence across this country since colonization over two hundred years ago by the British.
It’s well known my opinion on marriage but more importantly to their credit my Daughter and her husband’s assertion that the law in Western Australia needs changing - that being from marriage being a man and woman joined to the exclusion of all others as being so archaic and to change it to that of where two people who love each other being able to join is a state of holy matrimony, so help me god.
These Pricks
I hate insipid service providers on the Internet who also withdraw my data subject to the legal concourse. Read the FUCKING MATERIAL people and understand this is all about civil liberty, honesty, transparency, and the insidious FUCKS that run the religious institutions in this land and all over this globe.
As Life Would Have It
I won’t be dying today. As life would have it as if by some magical intervention, life has an ongoing plan for me that often does not fit my own idea of a certain reality. It is cold in this room, this hospital unit. The ringing in my ears is intense as the call for “…Eileen to acute, Luke to acute” arrives muffled, through foam hospital-grade earplugs.
Ngikalikarra Media
In April 2016, my partner Magali McDuffie and I sat together quietly at the top of Gura Bung Dhaura (Stirling Park) which has been home for the Ngamberi and Ngunnawal Aboriginal people in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory.
Indigenous Wearable Technology Assembly
On the 24th June 2014 Mikaela Jade (Griffiths) flew out from Canberra to meet with Bruce Hammond, Director of Envirologix and Khatija Thomas, Commissioner for Aboriginal Engagement, South Australia Government as well as Minister Zoe Bettison and Herb Mack, Manager of Country Health, South Australia.