Media Release
It is a sad indictment for the Australian nation when the very same crimes which the Offender, Adrian Sandwell has been convicted of in an Australian Court of Law, continue to be harboured, aided and abetted. Since time immemorial, the bastions who lead us to believe they are the centre for our human faith are by the same constitution exposed continually as protecting pedophiles who act against our collective humanity.
Victims Register
This post has been removed and the content used to generate the publication ‘Crimes Against Humanity’.
Crimes Against Humanity
A vastly unpopular story and a critically urgent issue in our society, across all cultures and indiscriminate of age, gender or ethnicity.
Thoughts On Location Based Services
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In Place Of God
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Google Plus Communities
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Victim Impact Statement
In identifying as the Victim and as the Complainant in a historical sexual assault case, I hereby describe the physical effects and emotional harm that these matters had at the time of the offences and continue to have upon me to the present day.
Anti-social Media
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Significant History
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Linked Out
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Instagram Is History
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Their Product Is Me
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Axon Discussion
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Thoughts on Place
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Roger That
For as long as I recall I've pushed this body, this container that I was born into to its known limits and beyond that too. I am writing the following in the hope that this will perhaps help anyone else reading this with their own lives in their own way.