This page is constantly being updated so if you are looking for a resource that is missing please contact me and I will locate it for you direct. These resources have been categorized and tagged either as a stand-alone resource or as part of publication or data-set.
Research Investigation Structure
This figure, ‘Research Investigation Structure’ was developed for and included in the PhD thesis ‘The Socioethical Implications of Body Worn Computers: An Ethnographic Study’.
Summary of ethical dilemmas and themes relevant to LBS
This figure, ‘Summary of ethical dilemmas and themes relevant to LBS’ was developed for and included in the PhD thesis ‘The Socioethical Implications of BodyWorn Computers: An Ethnographic Study’.
Panoptican As Corporation
This figure, ‘Panoptican As Corporation’ features in the IEEE SSSIT opinion piece that was published in 2017 titled ‘Pervasive Technology: Aboriginal Communities and Oppression’.
AAF Open Conference Assessment Schematic
This visual schematic was developed to describe avenues of consideration for student-centred rich media assessment.
Cyborg Cops, Googlers & Connectivism
This paper mentions that Project Glass is a research and development program by Google to develop an augmented reality head-mounted display (HMD). The intended purpose of Project Glass products is the hands-free display of information available to most smartphone users, allowing for interaction with the Internet via natural language voice commands.
Uberveillance Triquetra
The Uberveillance Triquetra is a figure developed by myself to summarise the centrality of Uberveillance in the broader Veillance domain discussions including that of surveillance, sousveillance, and dataveillance.
MMS04: Multimedia Media Messaging in the Curriculum
The MMS04 project seeks to engage young people aged between 15 - 25 years of age in a program that offers a range of creative learning experiences utilising face-to-face communication skills, mobile technology use and other evolving or emergent information communication technologies.
Learning Legends
The 'Learning Legends' project conducted by Swan TAFE in 2002 and 2003, sought to engage young people aged between 15 - 25 years in a program that offered a range of creative learning experiences, including inclusion in aerosol art events, website design and a life skills program. The program was carefully embedded with the key elements of the Certificates of General Education for Adults (CGEA) and was designed to address the needs of clients accessing services delivered by Swan City Youth Service in Midland, Western Australia.
Space & Place
The onset of the Internet has ushered in changes to the fine art honours program, albeit all higher education pedagogical foundations for arts-related curriculum. By opening out the immediacy of human engagement through the Internet, digital connections have in some cases become as important as the analog physical form.
Printonline: Digital Print Media & The World Wide Web
The World Wide Web has catalysed immense change for artists as it opens up new ways to engage in remote studio practice. Traditional printmaking is now also challenged exponentially by more affordable techniques and digitally enhanced machine driven processes.
The Negotiated Proposal
The higher education fraternity is fraught with claims of impropriety, with its most staunch critics claiming that to monetise knowledge is surely the evilest manner in which to assert power over a paying public. After eight (8) years of higher education, the author and artist had arrived at an understanding that each dollar spent in pursuit of that goal - enduring wisdom - was probably best spent invested in systems and processes which provided an equal balance of reciprocal understanding.
Paths & Plots
The Painting Minor 292 unit was conducted in the second semester of 1999 at the School of Art in the Curtin University of Technology, Bentley, Perth in Western Australia. Associate Professor Ted Snell spent considerable amounts of time at the course commencement with the student cohort running through the expectations of the fifteen (15) week course, the course timetable, and through a detailed plan including school administration policies and procedures.
Innocence: A Shrine To Melancholia
Artists are often lambasted for indulgently examining, then expressing through a creative medium, moral issues and related social challenges. In the role of ‘mirror’ the interrogation of subject matter reveals concepts and topics all leading to emergent themes and understandings.
Baroque & Rococo Art
This paper was submitted for assessment in 1995 as part of my studies at Edith Cowan University, Bunbury Campus as part of the Associate Degree in Visual & Performing Arts. I attended this full-time course between February 1995 and December 1995 all as part of the greater Western Australia Academy of Performing Arts.
Withers Primary School: Art Gallery Visit & Exhibition K-2
To justify the inclusion of an Art Gallery visit within the context of a primary school curriculum requires the educator to plan, develop and implement a program considering the effects such a visit may have upon the individual student and their family.
Springboard Tower
While exploring possible mediums for an unrelated sculptural commission in a friend’s boat scrap yard, I stumbled upon a sawn-off keel for an 18-foot ‘trailer’ sailer. The shape I considered immediately as having the potential to serve as a pivot point for new work involving mixed mediums. The process of creative practice, Art, serves as a means to both express myself and communicate with others.
Wet Day Resource Package
By taking into account individual learning and cultural differences, the educator can facilitate children's learning and provide children with equal opportunity to develop skills, values and attitudes. These children, being unique Individuals, also require planned activities or learning experiences that benefit their acquisition of knowledge.
Abstract Expressionism
"... The key to Abstract Art especially that of Abstract Expressionism lies in the discovery of the self and the exploitation by a suitable technique, of that hidden store of virgin material which we must find a path and we all carry within us and to which this is perhaps the hardest aspect of the artist's work before it can be brought to light." (Seuphor, 1972, p. 3)