End of Humanities
The challenges for humanity or conversely the demise, will be the shutdown of the ‘humanities’ as is occurring across centres of academic excellence, faculties, schools, universities all around the world.
The shutting down of humanities means the end of the anthropocene or for some who welcome a Singularity a new dawn.
I foresee a discussion chapter that begins with a question; What of humanity?
An extrapolation may then well be ‘… What of humanity and all its failings….about growing together, our collective well being, our critical consciousness and not simply artificial intelligence?’
It seems humans are hell bent on facilitating a looming dystopia. In effect that raises more questions that have arisen as I’ve worked through the PhD process.
Some observations, as a Researcher, include engineers creating ‘things’ which are the dreams of science fiction writers they haunt others with. This may explain why science fiction writers frequent with engineers who in turn replicate a science that is more fiction than fact, merely at times nothing more than capitalist utopia.
With no role for humanity that would explain why the humanities are shutting down. Is this not a looming dystopia where the role for humans in a biological milieu will be at odds with an artificial intelligence?
If intelligence was created here on earth then it is a natural, not an “artificial” however, perhaps this looming dystopia forms are not of this earth at all and in fact only a semblance of humanity.
It appears from examining the actions of others and at times ourselves, we are wandering away from a trust led society by removing our critical reflection and in turn, eliminating socio-ethical awareness. In the bid to control the world it would seem that in the rush for Singularity humanity is severing a relationship and spiritual connection with ‘place’ in the natural environment for a vacuous development ideal.