Internet of Humans Being Human
‘Internet of Humans being Human’
We have become enmeshed in a soup of an Internet of Things and yet there, we are also chronically addicted to a virtual self that is mute and fixated on screens that have have had such convenience mixed with such social catastrophe. That is where the moral value of the nature of electronic connection plays its part in the power differential because as many would attest, technology is inherently not neutral.
That networked technology considered as neutral is highly contentious though and as my research experience has divulged that humans wielding technology produce massive highs in the networked and connected world of the educator and the artist and equally disastrous lows. It is with this balance of power in mind that we need to examine the research and the role we all play in it’s message or form as it evolves.
Those massive shifts in humanity as a result of the networked and connected world, an electronic social structure must therefore be challenged as researcher as I do not consider the Internet as a technology of ‘neutral value’. The society of an internet or indeed an Internet Society to me seemed to be inevitable from my earliest memories as the very nature of what it promised, the very essence of what others attested to its presence in their own lives that lead to a cultural phenomena that literally surpassed the religious fervour I saw in the quasi religious citizens around me.
Not only has television pervaded our society and inculcated us to an electronic social rhythm as has the clock and its power over the public, now a technological tool of military design, the Internet seeks to facilitate and enforce the governance over all communications to the last known corners of the electronically connected world. Knowing another 50% of the human population are yet to be connected to the Internet according to Tim Berners Lee, with inculturation of wearable computing and the normalisation of an always connected world, humanity will likely shift to a mobile human web - nothing more than an Internet of humans being human.