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Null Hypothesis: On Country, Cyborgs and the Singularity

The researcher engaged with Vance Stevens from Webheads International in an interview which was broadcast via the WebHeadsInAction, in a Google Hangouts on Air for the Learning2gether 341 web conference (Hayes and Stevens 2016) on Sunday, August 14, 2016.

The conversation centered on the progress of the Ph.D. dissertation, preliminary findings from secondary data, and updates in the Google Glass project.

“... Alexander Hayes has been associated with a number of cutting edge education projects over the years, including exploring the potential of StreamFolio, Talking VTE, POV technologies, Drones for Schools, wearable technologies (and the social implications of surveillance, sousveillance, and uberveillance) and most recently, Google Glass through posting his interviews with 60 Google Glass Explorers on YouTube.” (Vance Stevens 2016)