Human Library
Screenshot: Human Library Organisation
Application submitted 30th August, 2019
Reason to be a book:
The reason I'd like to become a human book is being inspired by the stories of others who have become one too and what that has brought into their lives. My own life story is both sad yet empowering for others so I am told and that’s probably the best reasons to become another conduit in people’s lives. I have brought hope to others through sharing my story and the most recent publication in that respect is located at
Which title:
Human Researcher
Which qualities:
I am a good listener.
In the role as active and deep listener lots of answers come to those who need to unload what it's like to be in this world. It's in that space that I find the best contributions are small elements of my own story and sharing of others.
After ten years study as an ethnographer I'm at the point of submitting my PhD thesis. That in itself is another life journey that has put me in contact with incredible people whom I have learned from also.
Your experiences:
As a victim of the worst forms of crime, sexual assault I have been repeatedly through my life subject to some of the most vile forms of attack in person and online. Despite this my story is public and I am a face to a case that spanned three years and many millions of dollars, bringing to justice as the principal complainant the perpetrator who is now served 18 years incarceration.
Eleven other survivors joined me and their Families in ensuring that crime does not repeat through that human being bad. I have even had my story published by the very people whose organisation facilitated the coverup of that individuals crimes –
I identify as gender non-biased and sexuality as pansexual – attracted to great people not determined by their gender. That has in itself also provided many people with hope and happiness that they too can experience love and connection without fear of prejudice and stereotypes.
My work with First Nations communities brings me in contact constantly with those whose very existence like mine was threatened by simply who they represent and stand up for.
Where did your hear about HL:
I learned about the Human Library through my work colleague, Professor George Siemens.
Your participation:
In as many as possible, online and here in Perth, Western Australia.
Participated before:
Published before:
Shared to your readers:
I would like to share with my readers contextually sensitive aspects of my life story and how it relates to others life stories who have also grown through their experience and are high achieving survivors. My research is unrelated to my life story but the work I conduct as an ethnographer and relational filmmaker ensure I have a wealth of material to also share from that domain.
Your languages:
English (Australia)
Own a smartphone:
I welcome the opportunity to connect with a representative from your organisation.