Since the beginning of time, I’ve read the news and other snippets of rubbish through the quagmire of the Yahoo adware enriched ‘privacy-my-ass’ portal that never seems to log me out even though I’ve hit the log out button repeatedly.
So after many years of having a Flickr Pro account that never got used I’ve decided to delete both my Yahoo and Flickr accounts together, or so I thought.
After a few minutes digging through my Flickr dashboard I found the delete function - well, at least thats what it says….but dont let me spoil the story already. Check out what comes next.
Well I would think that when you say ‘thats it then’ and ‘your account has been deleted’ and ‘GOODBYE!” in a petulant child like voice that the account is actually deleted. But wait, read on as it will become apparent thats not the case.
As I noted I still had my Yahoo tab open which is how I managed to login into my Flickr account still open I flicked over to it and hey presto! Another delete function to wade through complete with all of it’s descriptions also.
So there I am thinking well, if I have deleted the Flickr account and the Yahoo account is linked then it seems only right that Yahoo has it’s begging turen also…so here I go to delete that account also. Now remember, this is my Yahoo ‘Privacy’ dashboard I’m deleting here….oh but this time I’m TERMINATING things.
Wow! Now for the nasty language coming out.
So what you would expect next would be that when you click the ‘Yes, terminate this account’ button that the account would be completely removed …..but no, this is what appears next. No less than a deactivated account and ‘scheduled’ for deletion.
Now that makes you wonder what it is thats happening in the back end for your account to be fully deleted or as I suspect permanently archived with a ATTENTION stamp all over the archive record.
So, for the record, Yahoo is not informing me how long this ‘deactivation’ state will be for nor will I know most likely when my account having been ‘scheduled’ is likely to take to be ‘unscheduled’.
I’m giving them a month and then I’ll login and see whether they have fulfilled my request. That is $6.90 per month and rising that I am better off and given that Flickr takes my images up and separates the meta-data from the image then gives you a .ZIP dump of JSON and raw files separated I’ll take my business elsewhere thank you very much.