‘… pursuing academic and intellectual activities, testing hypothesis and correlating findings in order to create new knowledge.’

As a polymath, I seek as ‘lab rat’ deeper immersion and self reflection at the human | machine | tech meta-cybernetic coalface. My research focus is as skeptic embroiled in debate, not statistical outcome restricted, nor esoteric phenomena investigations bound by institutional ethics clearance.

Alexander Hayes Alexander Hayes


The Humanities Research Seminar Series held at the Curtin University of Technology provides students who are undertaking higher degree by research, faculty staff and guests with an opportunity to engage with world leaders in differing research domains, disciplines and projects.

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Liveable Communities Conference
Alexander Hayes Alexander Hayes

Liveable Communities Conference

The significance of broadening understandings of Australian culture by examining the creative and vernacular improvisations of the 44 gallon drum will demonstrate to what extent these adaptions are gender specific

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Public Art: Cultural Memory & Emotional Space
Alexander Hayes Alexander Hayes

Public Art: Cultural Memory & Emotional Space

Public art, especially those works in sculptural form in Western Australia has been bereft of cultural respect, subject to laziness and neglect according to artist Ratimir (Ron) Gomboc. This interview conducted in 2002 by Alexander Hayes as a component of completion of a Bachelor of Arts (Art) Honours, details some of Gomboc's key contributions to public art in Western Australia and more broadly across the greater Australian arts community.

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The Internet
Alexander Hayes Alexander Hayes

The Internet

So it is with that refrain that I acknowledge that my research contribution began as humanity switched from an analogue and loosely joined state to that of the networked electrophorus.

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