Matthew Evans
April 8, 2015
Matthew Evans
High School for Bungendore
Committee Member
April 8, 2015
"...Thanks mate. And thanks for the work you put into getting the website up and running. You left us with something that not only looks great, but adds a real sense of professionalism to what we do. Cheers, Matt."
Dr. Ross Colliver
January 25, 2014
Dr. Ross Coliver
Independent Consultant - TTDG
Facilitator, Designer and Researcher
Processes for strategy, engagement and knowledge.
25th January 2014
"...I needed a platform for Landcare facilitators to share their learning across the State of Victoria. Alex worked me through exactly what I wanted, recommended a solution and helped me, in short order, set it up and get it working for my client. I got through all the stuff I don’t know much about fast, so I could concentrate on the stuff I do know. Thanks Alex! "
See more at
Luis Kun, PH.D.
November 18, 2013
Professor of National Security Affairs
William Perry - Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies (CHDS)
National Defense University
Fort Lesley McNair Washington, DC 20319
Editor in Chief - Journal of Health & Technology - Springer -
IFMBE Administrative Council (2009-2015) & Chairman Global Citizen Safety and Security WG
IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology - Board of Governors IEEE Distinguished Visitor Program - Computer Society / SSIT
18th November, 2013
Received as a letter attached to an email from Luis.
"...In my capacity as the 2013 Conferences Chair for the IEEE Society of Social Implications on Technology (SSIT) and member of SSIT Board of Governors I have known Alexander Hayes for the last year who has fulfilled roles as Publicity Chair and Organizing Committee member for the thirteenth IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS), which was held at the University of Toronto, Ontario Canada 27th – 29th July 2013. ISTAS is the annual international forum sponsored by the IEEE Society on the Social Implications of Technology (SSIT). The 2013 event, brought world leaders together to discuss the implications of smart world wearable computing technologies where people wear sensors such as cameras, physiological sensors (e.g. monitoring temperature, physiological characteristics), location data loggers, tokens, and other wearable and embeddable systems; augmented reality and the veillances.
As a member of the Program Committee for ISTAS 2013 I can attest that Alexander has demonstrated a capacity to communicate strategically with key stakeholders from all levels of the government and non-government communities. His natural aptitude to manage quickly and efficiently the logistical planning and implementation of large-scale events was evidenced by the success of ISTAS13, the coordination of activities across an internationally dispersed organizing team and his uncanny ability to achieve multiple tasks while assisting others under pressure at the event.
I have no hesitation in recommending Alexander Hayes to roles that he may apply for in the near future."
Dr. Christine Perakslis
July 5, 2013
Dr. Christine Perakslis
Associate Professor, MBA Program
The Alan Shawn Feinstein Graduate School
Johnston & Wales University
Providence, United States of America
5th July, 2013
Received as a letter attached to an email from Christine
"..I am writing this letter on behalf of Mr. Alexander Hayes. Mr. Hayes and I have interfaced during the past year through our work relative to IEEE-SSIT (Society on Social Implications of Technology), and in particular, the annual ISTAS (International Symposium on Technology and Society) symposium. My interactions with Alex have proven to me that he is results-oriented and an individual who is gifted in solving complex problems. He is forward-looking and innovative in his approach. He responds well to challenge. His demeanour is persuasive, ambassadorial, and influential.
Mr. Hayes is proficient in communication; he effectively adapts and adjusts to his audience. During sessions, I observed he builds rapport with ease, and with the many varied personality styles. It was my observation during the annual meeting that Alex had a positive influence on the conference climate; his insights were invaluable for the necessary discourse. Additionally, he is given deference; he earns the respect of his colleagues. Alex effortlessly bore the challenge of bringing together industry, government officials, and academics to converse about the debated issues of emerging technologies during panel discussions.
After the session, my colleagues and I discussed our admiration of his style to infuse not only depth of analysis, but also to create a diplomatic environment for discourse. It is an honor to write on behalf of this individual."
Steven Parker
March 18, 2013
Steven Parker
e-Learning Designer
South Western Sydney Institute, TAFE NSW
Bankstown, Australia
14th March, 2013
"...I've known Alex in a professional capacity and as a friend for over 5 years now, I have been following his work and found him to be consistent in marrying his canny ability to keep on top of the latest innovations in the educational technology marketplace with a solid, practical and compassionate approach to communicating how changes will impact organisations and society. In my many professional interactions, Alex has demonstrated strong technical, organisational, communication and management skills.
I would recommend Alex on based on his ability to produce educational technology solutions for many people with different backgrounds; from supporting teachers and students in classrooms, to implementing technological systems for government bodies, to partnering with corporate organisations to realize new commercial opportunities, to working at the highest levels of academia to research the application of emergent cutting edge technology.
Alex Hayes has both the technical knowledge and people skills, a rare combination indeed and I would recommend him.”
Kiiari Ngua
March 11, 2013
Kiiari Ngua
Project Researcher
Aalto University
Learning Layers Project
European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme
Helsinki, Finland
11th March, 2013
“...It has been great to have you in Helsinki...the wealth of information and ideas you have shared open the horizon and give interesting perspectives to various phenomena. What can I say...I am sort of like living in the boundary of what is and what can be and ultimately exchanging ideas with you propels me even more. How we as society use science as a tool is one of my great interests, and how we develop philosophy - in my words - science based design rationales. I find it rewarding to learn about alternative and emergent philosophies such as democratic education, voluntary simplicity and others that are based on holistic rather than closed thinking. I have definitely learnt a lot from and with you and look forward to exchanging ideas in the future.”
Sally Goodenough
September 27, 2012
Sally Goodenough
Metadata Specialist
Australian National Data Services
ACT, Australia
27th September, 2012
"....Alexander has been a valued colleague at the Australian National Data Service (ANDS) during which time he established video conferencing capabilities for e-research meetings and webinars and an accompanying JIRA workflow for event management and media publication. Alexander overcame the many change management challenges through a combination of effort, drive, technical know-how, and an ongoing program of coaching and training for ANDS staff and external webinar presenters. Through Alex's frontline training efforts ANDS now has an additional flexible outreach channel and ANDS' staff have acquired valuable new networked communication skills."
Mitchell Woellner
February 13, 2012
Mitchell Woellner
Project Team Leader
Microsolve, Wollongong
NSW Australia
13th February, 2012
"...I have worked with Alex on many projects over the past 5 years, both in his capacity as operations manager for Streamfolio Pty Ltd and as an Independent Technology consultant. His ability to bridge the gap between generations and skills sets provides a tangible value to organisations. He thrives on providing innovative and cutting edge solutions to any style of organisations. I feel privileged to of encountered Alex at a stage in my life when I was just entering the Professional / Corporate world he epitomises professionalism and is a role model that I still look to for advice and guidance today."
Marg O'Connell
January 29, 2012
Marg O'Connell
E-Learning Designer
Independent Consultant
Perth, Western Australia
29th January, 2012
"...I've known Alex in a professional capacity for over five years and have been consistently impressed with his forward-looking views on teaching and learning. He holds the learner at the centre of his work, championing inclusive education practices enhanced by educational technology. His skill and confidence in researching, developing and implementing educational technologies is second to none. I had the pleasure of working with Alex on the 2007 NSW Learnscope E-learning Showcase, along with others, and was impressed with his collaborative nature, relentless work ethic, and his attention to detail. Alex has an ease with people of all levels and backgrounds. He enjoys and promotes critical discussions about the effective use of technology in teaching, learning and society and has, in my mind, been at the forefront of emerging educational technologies, as a leader in teaching and learning innovation in Australia, for the past decade."
Jennie Burrows
January 10, 2012
Jennie Burrows
10th January, 2012
"...I’ve known Alex as a work colleague and friend for 5 years. He is smart, capable and thoughtful. Alex is a digital media expert who is well-known in those circles and keeps up-to-date, well at the forefront really, of media innovation and flexible learning. He has a large network of contacts and unusually good communication skills. His background in fine arts and in teaching probably contributes to his great presentation skills and ability to adapt to individual learning styles. I know that Alex is diligent and well prepared and I respect him highly."
Aaron Pont
November 1, 2011
Aaron Pont
Educational Designer
Canberra Institute of Technology
Canberra, Australia
1st November, 2011
"....Alexander has been instrumental in the development of Point of View and Educational Design innovation at Canberra Institute of Technology. Alexander has provided his experience, knowledge and skills to a a very wide audience and is well regarded in the Education sector, both in Australia and internationally. He is unique in his ability to articulate complex ideas into laymens terms as well as being able to persuade and influence Executives in terms consistent with high level administration and Strategic Planning. I have worked with Alexander for 4 years and will continue to keep him in my circle of respected and trustworthy colleagues. I heartily recommend Alexander for any organisation that requires personable and skilled professional."
Anne Paterson
October 27, 2011
Anne Paterson
E-Learning Instructional Designer
MyCreative Vision Pty. Ltd
Sydney, Australia
27th October, 2011
“...Alex has a track record in managing and implementing IT solutions in the education industry. As a service provider Alex offers his customers the highest integrity and is consistent and reliable in following through with all of their needs. Outstanding creativity, commitment and service are brought to a clients requirements. Nothing is too much trouble and everything has to be just right! Alex brings an academic as well as a practitioners and artists viewpoint to all of his projects! A combination that inventive and cutting edge results.”
Simon Brown
October 27, 2011
Simon Brown
Educational Leader
New Learning Technologies
Skillstech Queensland
Brisbane, Australia
27th October, 2011
“...Alex consistently amazes me with his creative vision, backed up by hard work and attention to detail.”
Dan Kisumbi
August 20, 2011
Dan Kisumbi
Executive Officer
Australasian Disability Professionals (ADP)
Sydney, Australia
20th August, 2011
"...I met Alex in August 2010, and worked with him over the following year in my role as Executive Officer of ADP. ADP is a membership organisation with members spread over Australia and New Zealand. Alex was tasked with developing various ICT systems for ADP that would allow synchronous, interactive and fluid communication across our membership. Alex supported us in the development of a synchronous and interactive web conferencing platform that was utilised for various strategic meetings and conferences and events we facilitated. Alex also developed a professional networking platform that allows our members to interact and network with each other 24 hours per day, using a range of media including video / audio, file and video sharing and online group development / facilitation. Throughout my work with Alex I have found him to be not only to be consistently working to a high professional standard, but also found his ability to teach, train and guide the members and myself to be competent and fluent in these systems in a user friendly way outstanding. Alex is clearly a national leader."
Associate Professor Katina Michael
July 20, 2011
Associate Professor Katina Michael
Faculty of Informatics
School of Informations Sciences & Technology
The Institute for Innovation in Business and Social Research (IIBSOR)
University of Wollongong, Australia
28th July, 2011
"...Alexander Hayes is a dynamic educator who brings with him a rich multi-disciplinary background to his love of ICTs and education practice. Without a doubt, Alexander is one of Australia 's finest networked learning designers. Alexander has the ability to break down barriers, ask the right questions, and use cutting edge technologies that bring real value to relationships in communities of practice. Alexander is a lead innovator who has integrity to his discipline, a deep strategic thinker who possesses operational-level capabilities who thrives on multi-tasking. What I admire most about Alexander is that he does all that he imagines he will do with new technology - shaping it to meet his needs and those of the people around him."
Robyn Jay
July 7, 2011
Robyn Jay
E-Learning Designer
Independent Consultant
7th July, 2011
"...Alex Hayes is a leader in the fields of mobile and networked learning solutions within the adult education sectors. With skills in both pedagogy and educational technologies/ ICTs, and experience across a wide range of educational contexts including remote Indigenous communities, he is well placed to guide organisational change and strategic planning. In the 5 years I have worked with Alex he has proved to be an artistic, innovative, resourceful, reliable individual with extensive connections and broad life skills. Alex works especially well where initiative and innovation are embraced within vibrant, active teams. I can highly recommend Alex and happily act as referee as he moves forward in his career."
Geoff Lubich
June 7, 2011
Geoff Lubich
Products Manager
Director / Co-founder
Streamfolio Pty. Ltd.
7th June, 2011
"...I have worked with Alexander Hayes as a Director and Employee with the development of our company Streamfolio Pty. Ltd. within which he has been instrumental in operations management, development and client engagement with our online e-commerce and client information platforms. His dynamic and inquisitive nature has ensured that our progress as a company maintains relevance with our target audience. Alex has also been the driving force behind the AUPOV, a bi-annual event which has attracted participants from educational and training organisations as well as commercial development and retail industry representation. Alex is also the co-founder creation of MobilizeThis and has been instrumental to the success of this Charles Darwin University hosted event since 2005. It has been a privilege to work with Alex, both on a personal and professional level with a long term future assured as he interrogates via sustained research the underpinning ethos of learner engagement using wearable technologies."
Fiona Barker
December 20, 2008
Fiona Barker
'Powerful Skills' Team Leader
Country Energy Australia
20th December, 2008
"...Hi Alex, just wanted to wish you all the best for your new endeavours and hope all goes really well with your business. Thanks again for all your work and I appreciate all the help & leadership you have given me and shown to others at Country Energy over the last 6 months....... also your patience, its been fun. Good luck with everything and talk to you soon."
Michael Coghlan
June 28, 2008
Michael Coghlan
Educational E-Learning Leader
TAFE South Australia
7th June, 2008
"...Alexander Hayes is at the cutting edge of e-learning innovation, is multi-skilled in the areas of learning design, mobile content development, web design and online community development. With an ability to quickly translate ideas into reality he is one of the few educators I know who has a keen intellectual grasp of the implications of mobile learning and the practical skills to realize them with a proven track record of realising e-learning initiatives in a diverse range of contexts."
Peter Holden
December 7, 2005
Peter Holden
Training Manager
National & Industry Initiatives
NSW Department of Education
Centre for Learning Innovation
7th December, 2005
"...Alexander achieved outstanding results for our organisation, facilitating professional development workshops and one-to-one training. Alexander is adept at mapping future directions with Senior Management and has provided a clear direction for building our capacity in mobile learning technologies and related pedagogy."