consultant, designer Alexander Hayes consultant, designer Alexander Hayes

Bobs Story

In mid-2019 I was commissioned to engage as a biographer in a project which culminated in a book launch and publication. The year-long project involved extensive historical research, editing, copywriting, and publishing.

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‘Consultants are engaged to provide expert opinion, conduct analysis, and make recommendations based on their own expertise.’

Clear communication is key to success as a consultant, minus hustle and charm, often as ‘ fixers’, or as ‘objective troubleshooters’ cutting through the noise and providing strategies to prevent problems and improve performance. In a well-managed project, a consultant can bring in experience and emotional intelligence which is harder to elicit from individuals in teams established within a rigid hierarchy.

In that mode, my modus as a consultant has always been to shift the focus from ‘me’ to ‘we’ where I fit in like a well-greased cog in their wheelhouse, not an outsider with attitude. It is that quiet achiever mode that brings about the best results and the following examples of my fit demonstrate my ability to remain agile, shift gears from simple discussions into full-blown action that enrolls everyone in the project. I achieve most when the team I am a consultant with, opens up and affords themselves the best of what I can bring to that project.