The Application of Location-Enabled Body-Worn Technologies In The Education Sector


The rapid uptake of body worn, location enabled, mobile network accessible solutions for rich media creation and connection in extreme sports, military and medical sectors is now also challenging the mobile learning / distance education stereotype. The re-purposed application of these technologies in the education & training sector is now opening up new domains for connecting learners with educators, which in turn poses substantial challenges for organisations as they grapple with the implications that this technology imbues. This participatory research will engage a diverse array of organisational, development and community user groups from the Australian education sector in critical and investigative research of learning settings where it is critical or desirable to remain hands free; have the ability to record evidence using rich media; be remotely accessed / connected to trainers and assessors in the field as a desirable service delivery attribute; submit data sets that accompany the 'human' connection as a validation of participation in a learning experience; augment existing available authenticated sources for an individuals prior learning ( experiential ) validation.


On the 10th June, 2010 the Researcher attended and presented at the 5th Workshop on the Social Implications of National Security (RNSA) which was held at the Centre for Transnational Crime Prevention, UOW Campus, Wollongong Australia. The Researcher was encouraged to 'pitch' a case for inclusion in the UOW Doctoral program and it was recorded by Mr Jordan Brown (Brown 2017). The presentation was titled, ‘The Application of Location-Enabled Body-Worn Technologies In The Education Sector’ and the synopsis clearly outlines the research focus which was originally educational context focussed;


GIS, mobile network, BWC, BWCs, education, curriculum, pedagogy

Suggested Citation

Hayes, A. (2010) The Application of Location-Enabled Body-Worn Technologies in the Education Sector. Presentation. 5th Workshop on the Social Implications of National Security (RNSA). Centre for Transnational Crime Prevention, UOW Campus, Wollongong Australia. Available at



PhD Research Application


Location As Learning Validation