The following articles, popular press, print press, media releases, or other forms of external information that relate to my work over the years are not truly representative of the entirety of what has been published. As I locate information in that regard it will be added or updated without apology.
Palerang Staff brought up to speed on Drones.
A short article on the introduction of drone technology albeit covertly with Palerang Council staff, Canberra Australia. At the time I was co-Administrator of the ‘Drones for Good’ initiative and recently returned from the ‘UAVs: Pro’s versus Cons’ event at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada.
Keeping An Eye On Google Keeping It's Eye On Us
A short interview and corresponding article that was published in the Bungendore Mirror newspaper regarding my research endeavours and some facts and figures regarding where things are up to with Google Glass.
Better Use For Funds
In 2013 I wrote a short letter to the editor at the Bungendore Mirror editor regarding the use for funds by Palerang Council. It was published on 15th January 2013. You can access this at
UAS Forum Flinders University
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), widely referred to as drones, are becoming increasingly relevant in civilian as well as military applications. UAS have been used by emergency services to help respond to and map environmental crises, to find missing people, to fight fires, and respond to traffic accidents.
Conference Examines Wearable Computing Technologies In Education
Associate Professor Tony Herrington (Education), Dr M.G. Michael (Informatics) and Dr Katina Michael (Informatics) recently presented at the inaugural AUPOV09 national conference with its focus on wearable computing or mobile e-learning technologies.
Living in a Smart World: People as Sensors
Associate Professor Katina Michael from UOW’s School of Information Systems and Technology is the program chair of ISTAS13 and Alexander Hayes is a Ph.D. candidate from UOW’s School of Information Systems and Technology and is the Media Co-chair of ISTAS13.
Australian Science Media Centre
This media briefing organised by the Australian Science Media Centre (AusSMC) brought together differing news agencies regarding the IEEE ISTAS’13 event held in Toronto, Canada.
Google Glass Lets Us Track and Be Tracked
A short article by the Bungendore Mirror on Google Glass, my PhD studies and other more implications of this wearable technology.
IEEE ISTAS13- People as Sensors: The Social Implications of Living in a Smart World
What is the technological trajectory of people wearing sensors? What are the benefits, risks and costs? What is the vibe going to be like at ISTAS13 with people like Marvin Minsky and Ray Kurzweil attending?
The Art of Google Glass
On your website, you describe yourself in order as an artist first, an educator second, researcher third and technologist last. You are a recognized technological expert. Why did you choose that order of descriptors?
Are We Ready To Live In An Uberveillance Society
When Google Glass hits stores later this year, not only will it transform sunglasses from fashion accessory to wearable technology, it will cause a social revolution, says IEEE Technology & Society Magazine editor in chief, Associate Professor Katina Michael. The Sci-Fi-looking, internet-connected eyewear can do everything a mobile phone can do (and more) with a simple voice command.
The Internet Of Things: Smart People
A short interview with a University of Wollongong, Australia Media unit contact by email regarding the Internet of Things: Smart people. This interview was conducted with a focus on the upcoming IEEE ISTAS’13 event in Toronto, Canada in 2013.
Hayes Rogan Wedding
Alexander Hayes and Jane Rogan were married in Orange, NSW Australia on March 28, 2009. Family and friends travelled from across Australia and New Zealand for a beautiful ceremony in Cook Park, Orange NSW before a reception at Borrodell on the Mount.
Autumn Wedding In The Park
Perfection marked the union of a country girl and a city boy, who celebrated their wedding on a warm autumn after noon in Cook Park, Orange, New South Wales, Australia.
Mobile Training
A short article introducing fundamental concepts, topics, and emergent themes which were permeating the rhetoric and mantra of the mobile learning pedagogy fraternity in the education and training sectors of Australia.
Aerosol Activity Put to Good Use
Cans of spray paint in the hands of youths often spells trouble, but at the Swan Youth Centre in Morrison Road, Midland, aerosol painting techniques are being channelled into the creation of a useful piece of urban art.
Legal Display of Graffiti Art
Local youth have been given a legal outlet for graffiti art by the Swan City Youth Service. The Swan City Youth Service is running an urban art project with Midland TAFE as part of the Certificate of General Education for adults offered at the youth centre on Morrison Road in Midland.
Moorditj Trip To AQWA
‘Moorditj’ is an Aboriginal Noongar term meaning ‘very good’. The CGEA - General Curriculum Options group from Midland College of TAFE visited AQWA at Hillarys Marina Harbour, Perth Western Australia on Thursday 21st November 2002 as part of their studies.
Darlington Arts Festival
Noticeably absent this year from the Darlington Arts Festival and the associated exhibition of artworks in the Darlington Hall were any artistic renderings by the bastion of Hills residing 'art masters'.