We are each gifted with the ability to manifest positivity and be the change we want to see in the world. Our life story is the most enduring range of experiences and the most valuable asset that we can grow through our lifetime.
The Moment of Truth
‘The ‘Moment of Truth’ is a project and production of a social fiction novel, a digital animation film, and an exhibition of illustrations by Australian artist and author, Alexander Hayes.
Portrait biography has an element of the unknown about it and the fact is that as a creative practice, portrait biography is as powerful as it gets.
Body In Another Light
The artistic representation of the human body, according to Nicolas Bourriaud is one part of a relational aesthetic, where the audience participates in completing the work and so and interpretation of this using the human form is by no means a new concept.
Most of Me
The advent of the forward facing camera on cell phones in 2014 brought about a fundamental change in society and with it the proliferation of the ‘selfie’ perspective in many creative works of art.
Coven As We Keep
Our dreams when recounted in therapy often provide us with answers to the key manifestations of fear and the objects, sights, feelings, sounds or tastes they inhabit.
Raw Grandeur
The opportunity to consider the concept of ‘bliss’ arrived with the carving of a table top over a 12 week period commencing in early November 2014.
Twixt States
Nature has a way of presenting us with the most exquisite sensations which expand the way we can relate in life, much like music opens out our way of hearing our way forward in life.